Islamic Aesthetics & Josef AlbersWhat I loved from travelling and experiencing different cultures was connecting the dots of all the information and studies I got between…May 2, 2024May 2, 2024
لوحة: اهزم الأزرق بالإسفين الأحمرأثناء عملي في تصميم إحدى المعارض ، لفت استلهامي لوحة للفنان إل ليسيتزكي “إهزم الأبيض بالإسفين الأحمر”Nov 16, 20231Nov 16, 20231
Contemporary Art Exhibition & Event Management Short Course Review — University of the Arts…In August on a beautiful rainy summer week in London, I attended the Contemporary Art Exhibition & Event Management short course from the…Aug 20, 2023Aug 20, 2023
Exhibiting Amouage Perfume bottles at the National Museum of OmanIn February 2023, following a collaboration between the National Museum of Oman and Amouage [1], our Exhibition Design team received a…Apr 25, 2023Apr 25, 2023
أبجدية السحتن | Sahtan alphabet [digital download]تم العثور على أبجدية “السحتن” مؤخرًا في وادي السحتان في سلطنة عمان ، وكان هذا الموقع طريقًا قديمًا للقوافل القادمة من خليج عمان أو المحيط…Feb 16, 20231Feb 16, 20231
هل السعادة فقط حقيقية حينما تُشارك مع الآخرين؟مررت بهذا الاقتباس في كتاب قرأته منذ عدة سنواتDec 31, 20222Dec 31, 20222
Is happiness is only real when shared?Happiness is only real when shared. Written in Arabic.Dec 28, 2022Dec 28, 2022
Does anyone else feel sad people watching?Does anyone else feel sad people watching?Dec 24, 2022Dec 24, 2022
On Reaching 30It was a Thursday. A Thursday that was too normal, too busy. One the preceded a work trip that coincided with many birthdays where I found…Oct 18, 2022Oct 18, 2022
Making an Arabic In-N-Out logoI first heard about In-N-Out in Dubai, it was a pop-up store that opened weirdly for 4 hours during a weekday in a far away mall…Sep 20, 2022Sep 20, 2022